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Regular price $10.10 USD
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BubbleART is a non-leaded, fired glass color that comes in 1 ounce jars. These colors are translucent/transparent colors that were designed to be fused between two layers of glass to create bubbles. These colors are design dependent, meaning that where you put your design you can control the bubbles. If you use a liner brush and place lines on the glass and leave spaces between them you will get lines of bubbles. Solid areas will be all over bubbles. You can place dots of color and these will be small collections of bubbles. BubbleART can also be used on top of glass. You will get a textured look and feel. Some colors will be transparent and others will be opaque when used on top of glass. Some of these effects are technique dependent. Mix 1 to 1 with GM300 Glass Medium. You can add more GM300 Glass Medium to change the consistency and your application which can change the color intensity.

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